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Right in Amsterdam’s picturesque Canal Zone, on and around Zeedijk, Chinese entrepreneurs have carved out a presence in what seems like the local Chinatown. The businessmen have been targeting Asian and non-Asian customers by offering products that – to an extent – can be associated with Asia, China in particular. Since the early 1990s, individual entrepreneurs and their business organisations have campaigned for official acknowledgement of Zeedijk as an ethnic-only district and for governmental support of the enhancement of Chineseness. Following Hackworth and Rekers. [(2005). “Ethnic Packaging and Gentrification. The Case of Four Neighborhoods in Toronto.” Urban Affairs Review 41 (2): 211–236], we argue that this case challenges traditional understandings of ethnic commercial landscapes. In sharp contrast to the current orthodoxy, which would conceive the proliferation of such an ‘ethnic enclave’ as part of a larger process of assimilation, we have approached Amsterdam’s Chinatown first and foremost as a themed economic space: Chinese and other entrepreneurs compete for a share of the market and in doing also for the right to claim the identity of the area. What is the historical development of the Zeedijk area, how did Chinese entrepreneurs and their associations try to boost Chinatown and negotiate public Chineseness, and how did governmental and non-governmental institutional actors respond to those attempts?  相似文献   
Pluralist theorists have long contended that to exercise power and influence in the American political system, blacks should come together like any other organized interest group, form coalitions with other like-minded people (white liberals), and advocate for policy reforms. Beginning during the “Black Power” era, the goal of putting black faces in high places to help address black concerns became a driving force in black politics. The deteriorating social and economic status of many in the black community, however, has not been prevented by either the political incorporation of more than 11,000 black elected officials or even the election of the nation’s first black president. This article will show how the inherent limitations of the pluralist interest-group strategy and a growing white backlash fueled by an awareness of changing demographics in the country has spawned an economic and political crisis in black America.  相似文献   
三朗扎西 《民族学刊》2018,9(5):90-96, 127-128
西南民族大学在2013年-2016年为甘孜州招收培养定向就业学生,解决了甘孜州专业技术人才紧缺、民汉兼通双语人才匮乏、基层人才队伍不足等现实问题,形成了较成熟、可借鉴的订单定向招生就业模式,是建立民族高校“双符双适”人才培养模式的有益探索。  相似文献   
子志月 《民族学刊》2018,9(4):58-63, 116-117
本文在对国内外以社会性别视角进行的生态研究进行梳理的基础上,深入分析了历史上中缅边境北段怒江峡谷中以傈僳族为主体的少数民族妇女在地方民族社会发展进程中为当地生态平衡所做的重要贡献。同时,对在社会转型和边疆农业女性化的现实背景下傈僳族妇女在与生态环境互动的诸多细节进行了深入的调研分析,进而认为妇女与环境的关系必须要放在具体的经济和社会发展的语境中阐释,环境治理中应为少数民族妇女提供发挥能动性的平台,并强调社会性别分析对边疆生态环境治理的积极意义,以及少数民族妇女在边疆地区生态安全的建设过程中所发挥的独特而重要的作用。  相似文献   
Using Australian census data, the paper examines the incidence of poor English competency in Australia from 1981 onwards. The paper examines English competency in relation to various characteristics such as sex, age, language spoken, visa type, citizenship, duration of residence and location. It finds that there was a sharp rise in the numbers of people not speaking English well between the 2011 and 2016 Censuses and special attention is given to this rise in the paper. Recently, the Australian Government unsuccessfully legislated for the introduction of a requirement of English competency at the level of IELTS 6 (the commonly used university entrance level) as a condition for the award of Australian citizenship. The paper argues that this test would have led to a very large number of disenfranchised Australian permanent residents and this would be a highly undesirable result. Nevertheless, employment and social participation are strongly influenced by English competency and residents with poor English are disadvantaged. The policy suggestion is made that participation in a course of English language training for those without functional English skills could be made a precondition of the award of permanent residence—without the application of a passing grade.  相似文献   

Despite widening participation in social work education in the UK, social work students from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds can find that they have less positive experiences on social work courses than their counterparts. This can happen when courses do not equip students to navigate the subtle rules of communication with service users that are premised on dominant UK values. As a consequence BME students can be assessed as having poor interpersonal skills and poor skills in engaging service users. However, the issue is often more one of cultural differences and high expectations of cultural integration than one of incompetence.

This paper reports on a drama workshop using techniques from the Theatre of the Oppressed to foster awareness of the complexities of cross cultural communication that BME students may face. The workshop facilitates insight into the nuances of culturally informed values that differ from dominant UK values.

Drawing on student workshop evaluations, the authors highlight the positive use of techniques from the Theatre of the Oppressed as a pro-active pedagogical approach to equipping BME students with insight and skill to circumnavigate cross cultural communication in practice and develop awareness of empowering strategies to combat negative paradigms about BME cultures.  相似文献   
罗康隆  何治民 《民族学刊》2019,10(5):14-23, 99-100
民族学经过一个多世纪的探索,逐步地达成了一个共识,建构一种文化并不是一件轻而易举的事情。文化是指导人类生存发展延续的信息系统,文化的建构是以所处自然生态系统为底本,以并存的社会生态系统为参照,文化这一信息系统不断偏离与回归所处自然生态系统与社会生态系统,在世代延续过程中逐步认知、积累其成败的经验与教训,并在传承的过程中不断地完善和丰富起来。民族以文化为分野,不同民族所处自然环境与社会环境互有差异,这就形成了民族生境的差异性,而民族生境的差异性也同样会建构出不同民族文化事实体系的差异性来。  相似文献   
王万平 《民族学刊》2019,10(4):17-26, 102-105
南方丝绸之路不仅是一条民族流动的通道,而且是一条文化交流的通道。作为许多古老民族生活和迁徙的通道,沿线不同民族在移动的过程中,文化交流交融不断深入和加强,形成了虽然各具特色但又多民族共享的节庆文化。本文主要介绍南方丝绸之路上民族的流动和文化的互动、交融的历史,以及由此所生成的文化共享,为“中华民族共同体”形成与发展提供一个典型案例,为理解“一带一路”倡议、筑牢“中华民族共同体”意识乃至推动“人类命运共同体”建设提供一定的理论思考。  相似文献   
Drawing on fieldwork in a multi‐ethnic workplace (an industrial kitchen in Denmark), this article explores immigrants' self‐directed ethnic humor in collegial relationships with Danes as it spontaneously develops and plays out in everyday work settings. Approaching ethnic humor from a symbolic interactionist perspective rather than adopting the dominant conflict approach, this article emphasizes the bonding functions of ethnic humor. The article argues that immigrants' engagement in playful behavior with ethnic stereotypes in interactions with Danes is a form of “impression management” in which they defuse ethnic stereotypes and dissociate themselves from them by building joking relationships in the workplace with Danes. A video abstract is available at https://tinyurl.com/esholdt .  相似文献   
钟洁  皮方於 《民族学刊》2020,11(5):1-6, 127-128
旅游业一直是西部少数民族村寨脱贫致富、乡村社会经济发展的重要依托产业,也必将长期伴随着民族村寨乡村振兴发展的整个进程。本文在阐释乡村振兴、乡村全面振兴概念基础上,针对当前西部地区民族村寨发展面临的乡村衰落困境,提出旅游业能够促进乡村实现全面振兴是其最显著的特点,探索分析中国特色的旅游业促进西部民族村寨乡村全面振兴的道路,并按照2017年中央农村工作会议提出的“走中国特色社会主义乡村振兴道路”、2018年中央一号文件关于实施乡村振兴战略分“三步走”目标任务等一系列中央精神指导,尝试性提供旅游业促进西部民族村寨乡村全面振兴的路径选择。  相似文献   
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